

Welcome Union members to our Union Design page where you can navigate to your specific union gallery. Each link will take to your gallery, where you will find designs specially design by our great artist in house. Each design represents elements that reflect your union and printed on union made shirts made right in here in the USA!


Zubie Wear is honored to print artwork that reflects our proud union workers! You are why we wake up every day and work hard to design and print artwork you are proud to wear. Our designs and quality of work reflects how our country was built by hard working, determined and dedicated individuals like yourself. We are American made and Union Proud!


Every person at Zubie Wear will uphold a commitment to service our union member professionally, courteously with respect and provide outstanding customer service. Our craftsmanship is second to none, every detail is

Unions have been the only effective voice working people have ever had in the history of this country
— Bruce Springsteen